Sands Four Condominium Emergency Response
Town of Carolina Beach
April 27, 2016
Carolina Beach, NC
In an unfortunate event, 4 Seasons Site and Demo Inc. was called to Carolina Beach, NC to assist emergency response teams with the assessment and finally demolition of the condominiums which were damaged by a fire. A demolition service in events such as this will keep the surrounding structures and residents safe. Taking proper care and safety measures allowed us to complete the project in a relatively short period of time. We were happy to help the community in an emergency response effort to keep other buildings from being damaged and surrounding residents from becoming injured.
Emergency demolition services are sometimes necessary and the Carolina Beach, NC demolition project was an example of one of those instances.
This was not the typical demolition project we receive but emergency services are necessary and in this case helped others in the surrounding areas maintain safety.
We worked with the local Fire Department and Carolina Beach Police Department in:
Assessing the building
Assembling and transporting the proper equipment
Removing material through our hauling service
Final clean up of location